
Showing posts from February, 2012

A Lightning Rod in a Land of Tremendous Energy

David Suzuki-February 17, 2012-keynote speech in Calgary: Rather than wading into the obvious polarized debate over current issues surrounding Alberta's oil industry, Suzuki dealt the Calgary City Teachers Convention a basic lesson in the cycling of earths materials in an apparent gut-check to a city with one of the countries highest disposable incomes. Beginning with a guilty plea to the timely view where the environmentalism movement has failed Suzuki admitted how he was so liberated in the past, battling against issues such as habitat destruction; however, a group in society was always often demonized. It is with that fact, environmentalism lost traction due to the fact there was losers. "We cannot afford to have losers" the famed geneticist proclaimed, opting to roll out some ecology 101. Suzuki spoke of the journey of a water molecule over time. "We take water in, only to leak it out, through our eyes, ears, nose, crotch" concluding that "we ar...

Critical Challenges Motivating Daily Active Living

The latest addition to The Fresh Classroom: Whatever it takes for a healthy lifestyle: