
Showing posts from April, 2012

In our connected world, what has happened to our connection to the natural world?

It came out of the blue, one day, a lust for exploring, observing and absorbing nature. The next, the entire family can sit in the same space with a lack of contemplation of the moment, plugged into our hyper-connectivity. I unfortunately plead guilty in this matter as well. Although there is incredible supporting data & well intentioned planning in experiencing rigorous recreation & nature experiences, I currently witness, and personally struggle with: true connections with nature.  The more my students and I become more and more technological enthusiasts it seems, the less we seek and experience pure joy in the outdoors. Our minds and bodies truly need a significant connection to the natural world. Take for example the  'Solitude Spots'  once a week during our science classes. Each student goes off to be alone in the natural world. The idea is that they might see and experience things they have have never seen before thus, providing a r...