
Showing posts from June, 2013

What is your ECOpedagogy? ISTE 2013 Slideshare

Slideshare of the Paul Kelba session at the ISTE 2013 What's Your ECOpedagogy?-Paul Kelba from pekelba ..if this link does not embed it is also here

Don't believe everything you hear about summer learning loss-Updated

This is an updated version of an article of mine for parents during summer that originally appeared two years ago.  Wishing you a wonderful and safe yet adventurous summer 2014. Paul If summer memory loss exists, the students that I teach in a public school are more than capable of overcoming it. Students that return in September that demonstrate notable social and emotional growth are those best  equipped  to handle technical problem based learning in schools, not  necessarily  the students that master the latest math application, attend a typical summer school program or bring a textbook home for summer. As a teacher faced with questions from parents of: "How can my child avoid falling back during the summer break", many times have found myself steering students towards a summer of consumption. Last year I promoted terrific learning app's, and in previous years comprehensive websites, summer academic programs and such. It always seemed a regression ...

Teaching 'All living things on earth are connected' (and not miss the whole point)

"Understanding basic ecological concepts (and their meaning in our daily lives) is too important to leave to a chance meeting or a talk."                                                                                                                     Steve Van Matre "If you didn't design it, you shouldn't assign it"                                                                                      Alfie Kohn Teaching any concept in this day and age educators find themselves pr...