
Showing posts from November, 2014

Where does tech fit in environmental education?

A daily scan of the twitter feed lead me to a Mindshift post titled: Apps that challenge kids to solve environmental issues  Yes! I thought, solving environmental issues with technology, how timely is that?  The gravity of this hit me, Environmental Ed, interpreted in the form of an innovative learning technology, posted on a world class progressive public website. (NPR Mindshift) I initially wanted to spread the word on these apps, repackage them and post to followers who seem to respond to content that mixes old with new nuggets of best practices. Not a chance. These apps not only contribute to a 'Disneyfication' of nature, apps like Enercities and Little Green Island present environmental problems and when the game player simply balances natural resources, they succeed. Along with a cheap feel of empathy. Of all the amazing ways tech can enhance students relationship with the natural world, these are thin. Students need to be feeling alive, lead to joy and won...