"Talk is Cheap": Reflections on North Face founder Doug Tompkins in the Wake of Paris Climate Talks

"Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there,"[1]
 Gary Snyder

Environmental issues, in particular climate change, were splashed over international press during this month's Paris climate talks. This gathering, attended by all major heads of state, is based on the assumption that each country will independently, voluntarily lower their carbon footprint. [2]

The problem with the assumptions coming out of Paris is when push comes to shove, will governments receive enough pressure from its citizens to voluntarily lower carbon footprints?

Enter Douglas Tompkins, a true Earth Hero, died this month.  Doug walked the talk of a caring steward of the natural world. His priority was ensuring citizens of the planet have a connection to the natural world in order to take care of it and "pay the rent of living on this planet"

Best to let him do the talking, videos and quotes are below.
Rick Ridgeway wrote eloquently of his passing in a post here [3]

"National Parks are the gold standard of conservation, they represent a good form of social equity...they belong to everyone." 
Brief video on how people need to be connected to the natural world

"You need to have feelings for the natural world, without a connection, you may not care enough"
A fun, dated documentary that sets the context

"To get up in the morning and realize: we are part of an unstoppable movement"
Three questions: Do you feel like a revolutionary? Is tourism good for conservation? How did you end up in Chile?

"His way of paying our rent for living on the planet"
Details on the work 'Introducing new adventurers' to nature: 

1: https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/1230.Gary_Snyder
2: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/we-need-a-bilateral-climate-deal-with-us-to-give-paris-meaning/article27952935/
3: http://www.thecleanestline.com/2015/12/to-those-who-loved-doug.html


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