What exactly is The Fresh Classroom?
A combination of technology with experiential education, promoting advancements in holistic (whole student) knowledge.
Advancing Holistic Knowledge?
"Reeling in the widening gap between life and learning”
platforms such as Coursekit will become global leaders in innovative digital
spaces for students compared to current awkward localized ones. Joseph Cohen, Coursekit's co-founder states:
“Our education experience is truly offline,” he said. “We want to build what
Facebook has done for your personal life, but for your school.” Combining the
power of digital tools that overwhelmingly empower
students with a trusted culture of experiential/stewardship education directly has supported academic, physical, personal, and social development. In other words,
programs such as work experience, outdoor education & service
learning(stewardship) must become current
current to stay alive.
Code Academy highlighted in the New York Times ('Reinvent The Classroom' article) are tremendous windows into the future of blended delivery.
The question is: With the incredible change digital platforms draws into education, how can educators ensure real-world, experiential, character education?Code Academy highlighted in the New York Times ('Reinvent The Classroom' article) are tremendous windows into the future of blended delivery.
Programs, lessons and people ahead of their time are highlighted, beginning with an interview with George Taven, director of the holistic/blended-online Connections program.