Genuine Ways of Connecting Nature and Humans in Classrooms -Part 1-

"In essence, more and more educators are expressing desire to bring curriculum alive by walking outside of the school building and into the 'real world'" -Simon Beames-

Traditionally, a common field trip or field study, full of intangible moments has supported curriculum and is paraded as a schools effective real world connection.

We have to do much better. In fact we need to partially look back in time, and if we can combine the local landscape with current gadgets (more specifically, use affordable ubiquitous technologies), we can address the litany of common problems that arise when a teacher leads a field trip. Lack of student engagement, connection and organizational planning some of the most significant roadblocks cited. 

Landscape Activities

Learning about the actual place where the students physically go to school can be brought alive directly with interaction. The key is not how simple or complex the activity is, the key is that it is experienced regularly. Most importantly asking the question: How our school yard or local natural area that we live on and share with countless organisms and animals has been shaped?

More info see: Learning outside the classroom works, but how do we do it?

'Sustainable Action Projects' made easy

LSF: Learning for a Sustainable Future is where the compass points when it comes to genuine learning.

Many websites are comprehensive, a relatively easy task this day and age. What LSF is able to do is create a comprehensive site where the activities are sequential, outcome-based & focus on relationships.

Delve Into the Deep

Set the stage for nature to be the inspiration:

"Nature is the perfect inspiration for truly disruptive innovation. It is where we can find examples of both exquisitely simple, and complex, designs anywhere we turn."

Shawn Parr further explains:

We are beginning to understand the need for transformational change in how we live our lives. This all points to changing the way we think and exploring interdisciplinary thinking where people with deep expertise in different domains work together to solve significant challenges. But the big question is, how does this happen? How do business, government, and academia find proven models or muses that deliver new inspiration and stimulus that help drive new solutions to significant challenges?
Bioinspiration, also known as biomimicry, is an interdisciplinary process in which biological principles are studied to help inspire and draw analogies that can be applied to human-centered innovation.

Bring Those Expensive Gadgets Along!

To be able to enter real-time data in the field is key for researchers, a few organizations are making this a priority in schools. Enhancing Fieldwork Learning is the best place for ideas. Notably, a typical mapping/orienteering unit transcends to 'mapping invasive species'. They also provide ideas for urban regeneration, water and soil testing, demography and geology. 

Part 1 of many...

Genuine connection develops appreciation and understanding of events billions of years ago, or in the current moment. Once the mystery of Place-Based education is surpassed by a teacher, a mindful program can transcend the typical entropy students encounter on a traditional-one-shot field trip.


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